Blue Jeans Marble

Blue Marble

Blue Marble is regarded as a natural stone which unconsciously reminds you of the blue sky or endless ocean.In other words, the blue color associates with natural elements and nature mostly.Because of its association with loyalty and scarcity, blue is regarded as precious and unique feature of every stone classification.

Since marble stones are considered as wide-ranging stone group, in which different kinds of Blue Marbles are very particular and conspicuous and also these stones are rated as luxury products.

Blue Marble Stones

Blue marble has a specific use in luxurious buildings.The most luxurious and significant parts of a building or a project are changed to a piece of art or an architectural piece by using MGT Stone Company’s Blue Marble.

Our company, MGT STONE CO., puts a high emphasis on supplement of especial stones production. And tries to provide customers with various/ wide ranging products so we present different kinds of blue marble to our clients in different sections of MGT STONE COMPANY

WE WILL KEEP ON THIS PROCESS BY  offering new products.

Blue Jeans Marble

Blue Jeans is one the Blue Marbles of MGT Stone Company which is contributed widely with different patterns.Blue jeans marble is a kind of stone with dark blue background.

The charm and beauty of Blue Jeans Marble is like an artistic cubist picture in which you can see the enchantment of blue color integrated with other colors in this stone( Blue Jeans Marble).

Blue Marble Tile

Blue jeans marble tile is one of the outstanding products of MGT Stone Company which is ready to be presented in order to be used in luxury and modern projects that are looking for a for being exceptional.

In order to retain the value of this product, MGT Stone Company preferentially presents Blue Jeans Marble in form of big and rectangular tiles.

Blue marble tiles especially blue jeans marble tiles are used in interior space as flooring of luxurious projects such as hotels.

The walls of luxurious toilets or bathrooms are appropriate to be covered with blue jeans marble. (the decorative use of Blue Jeans Marble and its combination with wood, steel and other materials create fantastic patterns.

Blue Marble Flooring

The use of Blue Marble as flooring of the large and wide places in classic or modern architecture with large and rectangular size is our recommendation in MGT Stone Company

Thanks to its multiple colors Blue Jeans Marble is used alone or in combination with other products.

Blue Marble Slab

Blue Jeans Marble is one the best options from which slabs can be produced.The variety of Blue Jeans Marble products is very excessive and its designs change amazingly in each block.

Patterns in each block are different and its slabs like a cubist style work of art, are wonderful combination of different colors with the beautiful blue color

MGT Stone Company simultaneously presents several designs and patterns of the blue marble slabs including the Blue Jeans Marble product, in the form of book match in volume and high quantities in its showroom.

Material Marble
Code MSM-153
STOCK Available
Style Modern
Color Multi-Color


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